Sunday, November 20, 2011

Immigration and Organizations

Last Monday, we watched a movie about immigrants in west Asia. They were trying to find a better place to live. They wanted to get out from the oppression they were facing in their homeland. The video was able to show  immigration does not only happen here in America, but it happens any and everywhere across the world. After watching the video, I thought about how some of  the immigrants in the video are dealing with a harsher environment than the immigrants in America deal with.

A big debate in our country is controlling immigration. A lot of the debate boils down to human rights. Why should we deprive someone of trying to make a better for life for their families and themselves? I believe in controlling immigration, but at the same time I do not know all the rules and regulations one has to face in order to become a citizen of America. We saw in the video some of the people were waiting for six months just to even be considered for citizenship. They had to lay-low for months. If they were caught, they were beaten, then sent to another country where they may face more punishment through violence. It is a scary deal.

The video discussed different organizations that help immigrants migrate to new places. They have their own communities within the different organizations. Here are a few websites I was able to find:

The links above deal with migration from all over. They are not designated to one particular group or affiliation.

I have found videos that deal with immigration. One of them deals with an economic aspect of immigration. Crossings not only occur across fences like we saw in the video last Monday, but crossing can occur by sea as well. Some of the videos may be graphic, so view with caution:

The video of the women with her baby being drug across the ground just made me sit back and say 'They are human beings too'. Human rights, they have the same treatment we do. I may be for controlling immigration in this country, but I do not want to see a woman who is pregnant, or a baby being drug across the ground. It really made me furious. I hope the people were able to gain a better life. They left Africa for a reason. The people who died on the boat were trying to make a better life for themselves. They had no chance to make it. There are many though who have a chance. I hope they make it. We could all take a page from migration or immigration, and that is to gain more. Make yourself better and your family.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Politics Are No Fun

Chapter 3&8 in our Barbara Miller book talks about Economics and Politics. Chapter 3 rings really true among our society when it comes to the consumption of products. For me, I consume movies on DVD and/or Blu-Ray. Some people like to shop for clothes. One thing we all shop for though is groceries. We all need food and water for survival.Our society is full of consumers. We want everything.

We have industries, or places that are able to produce many products, but then again a lot of our products come from overseas. A lot of companies have left the United States to head for other countries where the cost of production is cheaper. The division of labor in this country is how the book describes it. Certain jobs require certain people in order to achieve a task. That is universal across the world. The old way of thinking in this country, and you see this in old commercials where women were viewed to be the stay-at-home moms, while the dads' went and worked. It didn't matter the job title, men were to bring the paychecks home in the family. They were the provider of the family. Obviously, these roles have changed over the years. Now, women in a lot of cases are more successful than their husbands, or significant others.

Agriculture,horticulture, farming, harvesting crops are still a big part of American value. The Midwest is full of farms. Wheat is a big crop. Florida grows the oranges. Georgia grows peaches. Many states across the country grow different crops for economic survival. Recently, we've had a cantaloupe crisis. Jensen Farms in Holly, Colorado is where the listeria outbreak (tainted cantaloupe) has been traced back to. Something like a recall, and in this case an outbreak of a deadly virus can financially hurt a business, or a family farm.

An outbreak can cause the cantaloupe farmers, or any produce sales to go down because of fear. We have many dairy farms in this country where our milk, eggs, chicken, cheese, etc. come from. The people that work in these professions should get paid more than what they have. They are the real laborers of this country.

Our political system in America is a democracy. Their are three branches to our government, legislative, executive, and judicial. We have two big political parties, democrats and republicans. The political system and economic system go hand-in-hand in our country, which is the case in a lot of countries. Our lack of guidance in politics has led to our economic crisis that began in the latter part of 2008. It continues today. Over three years of an economic crisis affects everyone. Jobs are harder to find. Go back to what I talked about earlier, certain people do certain things, there may not be a job out there for that certain someone to work.

Then, move down the chain of command, each state has their own political system. Though, lower on the totem-pole, they are still a part of government. Many people in state or local offices can one day become a federal official, maybe President.

Other places around the world have monarchs, which is kings, queens, princes. Some places have dictators. Tribes have chiefs. Political systems just vary so much. Some places have claimed to have free-elections, but then the people go to a voting booth, and they may be forced to vote for a certain person, or something bad could happen to them. Laws are different from country-to-country. Countries, states, tribes all have norms in common. That is what can help them to have a political system, and a sustaining political system. Some people don't realize that America maybe one of the youngest countries, but we have the most sustaining political system throughout the world. Our constitution is one of the world's most sustaining constitutions in the world. The laws in the original Bill of Rights are still used in this country.